Welcome to

Finding Balance

Stay Independent. Prevent Falls.

What’s new

  • Upcoming Event

    Canadian Fall Prevention Conference

    Discover new research and knowledge, explore the implementation of promising practices, and learn about cross-cutting issues to prevent and mitigate the impact of falls and falls-related injuries on diverse populations.

  • New Resource

    Updated Fall Prevention Toolkit

    Take action to stay independent with the help of our new condensed fall prevention toolkit. This shorter version of our popular toolkit includes a similar range of useful information for older adults but has been updated for better accessibility and ease of use.

Older Adults & Caregivers

Whether it’s for yourself, a loved one or your community, we all have a role to play in helping to prevent falls.

Healthcare Professionals

As a healthcare provider, your commitment to patient safety is paramount. Early identification and targeted interventions can make a significant difference in preventing falls.

Falls are not a normal part of aging.

To help determine your risk of falling, you should consult your primary care provider at least once a year.

Before your next appointment, you are encouraged to complete the Staying Independent Checklist to evaluate your own risk of falling. This self-screening tool may also be used by your primary care provider (family physician or nurse practitioner) to help the discussion about your personal fall risk factors.

Discover our resources