
Staying Independent: Home Safety Checklist

Using your Home Safety Checklist
Falls in older adults are often due to hazards that are easy to overlook but simple to fix. In order to reduce your risk of fall, this checklist will help you identify some of the most common hazards in and around your home. It will also provide you with helpful suggestions for reducing and removing those hazards.
The Home Safety Checklist asks about hazards found in the different room of your home. As you go through each room and answer the questions, make note of any changes and/or repairs that need to be completed in your copy of the accompanying Personal Action Plan one-pager. If possible, consider having a family member or friend help you.
When you are finished, go through your notes and make a plan to eliminate the hazards you discovered. However, it is important to determine which tasks you can complete yourself, which ones require two or more people to complete, and which ones require professional assistance. If you are uncertain, you are encouraged to consult a licensed professional before getting started. Keep in mind that you may be creating a new hazard if you try to repair something in an unsafe manner.
Thank you for taking the time to make your home a safer place for yourself, your family and your friends!

Source: Trauma NB

Additional resources

  • Toolkit

    Fall Prevention Toolkit for Older Adults

  • Fact Sheet

    Safe Winter Walking

  • Toolkit

    Identifying Fall Risk Factors: Algorithm for Fall Risk Screening and Intervention