Fact Sheet

Safe Winter Walking

Every year, older adults across Canada participate in a variety of outdoor activities during the winter months. However, winter presents a changing landscape that can lead to tripping hazards not present in other seasons. The presence of environmental hazards, such as freezing rain, ice buildup and hard packed snow, increase the risk of falling due to the slippery surface they create.

While it can be easy to recognize most winter hazards, others such as the presence of “black ice” or an icy patch covered by snow, may be more difficult to identify. That is why it is important to be aware of the steps you can take to help prevent slips, trips and falls this winter. This includes following the lead of penguins, the only creatures that have mastered the winter walk, when stepping onto a slippery surface.

The good news is that family, friends and municipalities can all play a role to help you stay safe when walking outdoors this winter. Keep in mind that by reaching out to others for support, you can better reduce your risk of falling, prevent serious injuries and maintain your independence.

Source: Trauma NB

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