Fact Sheet

Staying Physically Active

Regular physical activity helps people of all ages and abilities stay healthy. It helps people stay strong, maintain their mobility, balance, and flexibility. It also prevents diseases and conditions that can increase the risk of a fall.

Other benefits of physical activity:

  • Increases energy, confidence, and ability to participate in events with family and friends.
  • Reduces the risk of falls. By preventing their risk of falls and related injuries, older adults can better maintain independent lifestyles.
  • Can improve personal mood and mental health.
  • Provides social benefits. Group exercise classes are a terrific way to meet new people

Source: Trauma NB

Additional resources

  • Toolkit

    Identifying Fall Risk Factors: Algorithm for Fall Risk Screening and Intervention

  • Fact Sheet

    Staying Safe During Extreme Heat

  • Fact Sheet

    Avoiding Risky Behaviours